
The Trade Union Network for Migration in the Mediterranean – Sub-Saharan Area (RSMMS) is a network of African (Sub-Saharan and Maghreb) and European trade unions created with the Casablanca Declaration adopted on 8 August 2014.

The Network expresses the unity and solidarity of the trade union movement and its adherence to the fundamental universal values of human rights based on freedom, equality, justice, non-discrimination and decent work.

The Network is in line with the policies defined by the European Trade Union Confederation and the International Trade Union Confederation (Arab and African) and their principles of trade union democracy, independence and autonomy.

It works to promote the rights of migrants in the European, Mediterranean and sub-Saharan regions and to support the process of ratification and implementation of international conventions on migration issues.

Below is the list of affiliated trade union organisations and the recommendations made at the preparatory meetings that led to the creation of the network in Casablanca on 8 August 2014:

Liste des organisations syndicales membres du Réseau Syndical Migrations Méditerranéennes Subsahariennes (RSMMS)

(en date du 4 juillet 2019 – Liste actualisée après la 5ème AG)

Casablanca Declaration,  8 August 2014

Monastir Appeal, 24 June 2014

Conclusions Turin meeting, 21 and 22 October 2013

Dakar Declaration, 8 October 2013

Hammamet Declaration, 15 November 2009